Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs an Investment Advisor?
In our opinion, everyone. You do not need to be incredibly wealthy to benefit from an investment advisor. You just need to have the desire to know that your financial future is sound and that you and your family will be prepared for life changes and unexpected circumstances. A qualified investment advisor has the expertise and experience to help you set achievable goals, recognize your financial weaknesses, and develop a comprehensive strategy.

We’re just beginning to plan for our financial future.  We want some advice but we don’t have many assets yet. Will you accept us as clients?
Absolutely. It is one of the main reasons Waits Investments was formed. To work with people from all income levels and all walks of life, not just the extremely wealthy. Call us today and let’s get started.

What is ”Fee-Only” financial planning and why should that be important to me?
We do not accept sales commissions; we work solely for our clients. Because we do not sell financial products such as investments and insurance, there are no third-party relationships or outside pressures to influence our thinking or financial recommendations.

In addition, Waits Investments is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). We must comply with a host of regulations designed to protect the client. One important question we encourage clients to ask when considering a financial planner’s services: ”May I please have a copy of your ADV Part II?” This document provides important information about the planner’s qualifications, fiduciary duties, history of any past violations, etc.

Feel free to ask for a copy of our ADV Part II.

How is Waits Investments compensated for their services?
The most widely used method involves management fees comprised of a percentage of assets held for a client.  This serves to align the best interests of the client with those of the Waits Investments, as the advisor cannot earn additional fees on the assets unless the client’s asset base increases.

Another form of compensation may be from planning and consulting fees. This can be structured as a flat fee, or an hourly rate.

Since every client’s needs may be different, we are free to structure their fees within regulator guidelines to meet the specific needs of their clients.

Who holds my assets if want Waits Investments to provide portfolio management services? Can I get to them?
TD Ameritrade is the independent third-party custodian we generally employ to safeguard our clients’ assets. This relationship provides an additional benefit because we do not take custody of your assets; instead we act on your behalf to position your account to effectively achieve your goals. We can work with other custodians with a Limited Power of Attorney form.

Can I access my account at TD Ameritrade?
Yes. You may access your account via the web, by phone, or in person at local TD Ameritrade offices across the country. This is ultimately your hard earned money and you will always be able to see what is going on in the account.


*Waits Investments, LLC is a registered investment adviser in the States of Washington, Oregon, California, and Texas. The adviser may not transact business in states where it is not appropriately registered, excluded or exempted from registration. Individualized responses to persons that involve either the effecting of transaction in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, will not be made without registration or exemption.